Welcome to the School Council page.In Ysgol Cerrigydrudion, every class, from year 2 up to year 6 has a representative on the school council. Mrs Evans supports the work of the school council. They hold regular meetings to discuss ways that we can improve the school. They also offer ideas about fundraising events for different charities and for the school.The school council members meet many times a term to discuss the ideas and opinions of the pupils of Ysgol Cerrigydrudion. Then these ideas are shared with the rest of the pupils through this page on the website, classroom discussions, morning services and through the school council notice board.
Welcome to the School Council page.In Ysgol Cerrigydrudion, every class, from year 2 up to year 6 has a representative on the school council. Mrs Evans supports the work of the school council. They hold regular meetings to discuss ways that we can improve the school. They also offer ideas about fundraising events for different charities and for the school.The school council members meet many times a term to discuss the ideas and opinions of the pupils of Ysgol Cerrigydrudion. Then these ideas are shared with the rest of the pupils through this page on the website, classroom discussions, morning services and through the school council notice board.